Assist. Prof. Dr.



Member of CEHR

Researcher ,Institute for Historical Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

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Researcher, Institute for Historical Studies, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences


01/02/2012 – 20/06/2016       PhD in History , FacultyofHistory, Sofia University“St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria

01/10/200908/09/2011       Master in History, FacultyofHistory, Sofia University“St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria

01/10/2005 – 15/07/2009       Bachelor in History, FacultyofHistory, Sofia University“St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria



English, Greek, Turkish, Spanish, Russian, French, Ottoman-Turkish


19/02/2015 – 19/02/2019       Assistant Professor, DepartmentofSocialSciencesandHumanities, Faculty of       Management, University of Economics – Varna, Bulgaria


20/02/2015 – 19/02/2019       AssistantProfessor– “HistoryofEconomics” BAcourseatthe            University of Economics – Varna

20/02/2015 – 19/02/2019       AssistantProfessor– “European Studies” BAcourseatthe   University of Economics – Varna

26/02/2018 – 19/02/2019        AssistantProfessor– “Capitalism, Modernization and Globalization in the Balkans during the 19th Century” BAcourseatthe University of Economics – Varna



22/08/2018 – 05/09/2018        Scholarshipaward from „BlackSeaScholarFundof the British Institute at Ankara for research stay in London

20/09/201728/02/2018        PostdoctoralFellow of SAIANationalScholarship Programme at the Department of Slovak History, Faculty of Philosophy, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia

11/09/2017 – 15/09/2017        Scholarship for Erasmus Exchange programat the Aristotle University, Thessaloniki, Greece          

15/08/201615/03/2017       PostdoctoralFellow of Türkiye Bursları at the Department of History, the Faculty of Humanities and Sciences, Uludağ University,Bursa, Turkey

05/07/2015 – 04/08/2015       Fellowof the Sasakawa Scholarship for PhD research abroad of the Nipon Foundation, implemented in Istanbul

03/08/2014 – 31/08/2014       Scholarship for participation in Ottoman Culture and History Summer School, İstanbul Bilimler Akademisi Vakfı (Istanbul    Academy of Sciences), Istanbul, Turkey

01/02/2014 – 01/05/2014       Fellowof the American Research Center in Sofia’s Residential  Fellowship for Southeast European Scholars, Sofia, Bulgaria

28/10/2013 –11/11/2013        Shcholarship of the project for PhD Students in Humanities of the Center  for Excellencein Humanities “AlmaMater”at the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”,with research stay in London, The  United Kingdom

13/10/2013 – 18/10/2013       Scholarship by the project “Integrated program for training and support of the PhD students in Social Sciences and Humanities at the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”” with research stay in Budapest, Hungary

01/09/2013 – 01/10/2013       Fellow of the American Research Center in Sofia Bulgarian Scholars Program for research in Athensor in Turkey, with  research stay at the American Research Institute in Turkey, Istanbul Branch

12/05/2013 – 23/05/2013       Scholarship for participation in the Intensive Erasmus Program  “Standards of Everyday Life in the Middle Ages and in Modern Times”,Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria,

13/05/2012 – 24/05/2012       Scholarship for participation in the Intensive Erasmus Program  “Standards of Everyday Life in the Middle Ages and in Modern  Times”,Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria

04/10/2010 – 31/01/2011       Scholarship for Erasmus Exchange programat the University of    Ioannina, Greece

16/08/2010 – 14/09/2010       Scholarship for participation in intensive summer course for Modern Greek language at the School for Modern Greek Language at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


20/11/2019 – 23/11/2019        Member of the Organizing committee of the International Conference “MedievalNomads: Nomads and their neighbors in the Middle Ages”, organized by Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, about 55 participantsfromBulgaria and abroad

01/12/2017 – 02/12/2017        Head of the Organizing committee of the International Workshop „South Eastern Europe during the long 19th century: Persons and Personalities as Agents of Modernization”,financed by the Center for Excellence in the Humanities “Alma Mater”, Sofia University “St Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia, Bulgaria,about 12 participantsfrom 6 countries

29/09/2016 – 30/09/2017      Member of the Organizing committee of the Conference “The Diversity of Bulgarian Economic Development through the Ages“, held at the University of Economics – Varna, organized by the University of            Economics – Varnaand the Centre for Economic and History Research, 28participants from Bulgaria

25/05/2017 – 26/05/2017        Member of the Organizingcommittee of International Workshop “Mongol Warfare between Steppe and Sown: Military, Social and Cultural Perspectives” held at Center for Advanced       Studies – Sofia, Bulgaria, about 12 participants from 8 countries

30/09/2016 – 01/10/2016       Memberof theOrganizingcommitteeoftheConference           “Urban             Economy in the Bulgarian Lands through the Ages”, held at        the       University of Economics – Varna, оrganized by the University of           Economics – Varnaand the Centre for Economic and History            Research, 27 participants from Bulgaria

22/05/2014 – 26/05/2014       Member of the Organizingcommittee of ISHA – Sofia Weekend       Seminar 2014 “Conflict Situations and Their Consequences” held at          the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria, 25           participants from 9 countries

23/09/2010 – 29/09/2010       Member of the Organizingcommittee of ISHA – Sofia           Autumn Seminar 2010 “Unions trough History” held at the University           of Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria, 45 participants from 14   countries


27/09/2019              Public Lecture “The Bulgarians and the Entrepreneurship during the National Revival Period”, European Researchers Night, Organized by MOVE.BG, Sofia, Bulgaria


04/10/2016 – CURRENTLY    Memberof Comité Internationaldes ÉtudesPré-Ottomaneset                                                           Ottomanes

01/10/2016 – CURRENTLY    Memberof the Centre for Economic and History Research

15/10/2008 – 20/05/2016       Member and Founder of theInternational Students of History         Association Section at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”


01/07/2016 – 31/12/2016       Member of the projectEcho from the War Part III for collection of memories of Bulgarian veterans who participated in the Second World War, funded by the of the Center for Excellencein Humanities “AlmaMater”, SofiaUniversity “St. KlimentOhridski”

01/07/2013 – 18/02/2015       Member of the project Echo from the WarPart II for collection of    memories of Bulgarian veterans who participated in the Second WorldWar, fundedby the National Centre for European Youth Programs and Initiatives        

26/06/2012 – 31/09/2014       Fellow  of the project “Integrated program for training and  support of the PhD students in Social Sciences and Humanities at the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski””, funded by the Operational Programme “Human resources development” 2007- 2013, cofinanced by the European Social Fund of the European Union

12/08/2013 – 09/11/2013       Project “Road and Communication Infrastructure in the Bulgarian Lands between the Crimean war and the Liberation (1856-1878): digital archive”, funded by the bytheofthe Center for  Excellencein Humanities “AlmaMater”, SofiaUniversity “St. Kliment  Ohridski”

01/07/2010 – 30/06/2011       Member of the project Echo from the WarPart I for collection of memories of Bulgarian veterans who participated in the Second WorldWar, fundedby the National Centre for European Youth Programs and Initiatives        

01/07/2010 – 31/12/2010       Member of the project My Birthplace is Europe”fundedby the National Centre for European YouthPrograms and Initiatives

01/02/2012 – 01/03/2012       Member of the project “FRAGEN” for creation of database for books  and other sources on Women History

01/10/2010 – 01/02/2012       Member of the project “BGCliooftheFaculty of History of the  Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” for creation of database for Historical Journals

01/01/2009 – 04/10/2009       Member of a team for collection of oral-history interviews in the village BardarskiGeran, organized by Sofia University “St. Kliment  Ohridski”


04/08/2014 – 31/08/2014       Ottoman Culture and History Summer School, Istanbul, Turkey, organized by İstanbul Bilimler Akademisi Vakfı (Istanbul Academy of Sciences Foundation) Istanbul, Turkey

12/05/2013 – 23/05/2013       Intensive Erasmus Program “Standards of Everyday Life in the     Middle Ages and in Modern Times”,Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria,      organized byVeliko Tarnovo   University “St. Cyril and St.    Metodius”, Bulgaria in partnership with Sofia University “St.   Kliment  Ohridski”, Bulgaria, “Uludağ” University of Bursa, Turkey,   Ankara            University, Turkey, University of Lodz, Poland, “Ovidius”           University of Constanta, Romania

13/05/2012 – 24/05/2012       Intensive Erasmus Program  “Standards of Everyday Life in the     Middle Ages and in Modern Times”,Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, organized byVeliko Tarnovo   University “St. Cyril and St.    Metodius”, Bulgaria in partnership with Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Bulgaria, “Uludağ” University of Bursa, Turkey,   Ankara            University, Turkey, University of Lodz, Poland, “Ovidius” University of Constanta, Romania



19/09/2019 – 20/09/2019        ConferenceCrises and and Economic Development through the Ages, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, organized byVeliko Tarnovo University “St. Cyril and St. Metodius” and the Center for Economic and History Research

26/11/2018 – 27/11/2018        Annual University Conference for Doctoral and Post-DoctoralReadings, organized by Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”q Sofia, Bulgaria

28/09/2018 – 29/09/2018        ConferenceInstitutionsandEconomicDevelopment in the Bulgarian LandsthroughtheAges, Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, organized byVeliko Tarnovo University “St. Cyril and St. Metodius” and the Center for Economic and History Research

11/09/2018 – 15/09/2018           23rd International Congress of Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman Studies, Sofia, Bulgaria, organized by New Bulgarian University, American university in Bulgaria andComité International des Études Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes

01/07/2018 – 03/07/2018        24th Annual conference with international participationKyustendil ReadingsonMemoryand obliviousness”, Kyustendil, Bulgaria, organized by the Regional Historical Museum – Kyustendil and the Faculty of History of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”

18/05/2018 – 19/05/2018        International Conference Urban Culture on the BalkansPlovdiv, Bulgaria, organizedbytheBulgarianAcademyofSciences and the University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski”

01/12/2017 – 02/12/2017        International workshop“South  Eastern Europe during the long 19thcentury: Persons and Personalities as Agents of Modernization”, Sofia, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”

29/09/2016 – 30/09/2017        Conference “The Diversity of Bulgarian Economic Development through the Ages, Varna, Bulgaria,organized by the University of Economics – Varnaand the Centre for Economic and History Research

24/07/2017 – 28/07/2017        International Congress of Ottoman Social and Economic History, Sofia, organized by the Sofia university “St. Kliment Ohridski”

06/10/2016 – 08/10/2016       International Conference“Balkan Worlds III: PowerNetworksin  the Imperial and Post-Imperial Balkans (18th – 20thc.), Thessaloniki, Greece, organized by the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki

04/10/2016 – 08/10/2016         22nd International Congress of Pre-Ottoman and Ottoman Studies, Trabzon, Turkey, organized by theComité International des Études  Pré-Ottomanes et Ottomanes

30/09/2016 – 01/10/2016       Conference “Urban Economy in the Bulgarian Lands through theAges”,Varna, Bulgaria,organized by the University of Economics – Varnaand the Centre for Economic and History Research

31/08/2015 –04/09/2015        11th International Congress of South-East European Studies, Sofia, Bulgaria, organized by the Institute for Balkan Studies of the  Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

22/05/201426/05/2014         International SeminarConflict situations and their   consequences, Sofia, Bulgaria, organized by the local section of the InternationalStudentsofHistoryAssociation

14/04/2014 –19/04/2014        International Seminar ImagesoftheOther: Relations between   Western and CentralEastern Europe in History, Budapest,Hungary, organized by the local section of the International Students  ofHistoryAssociation

14/06/2013 – 16/06/2013       20thAnnual Conference with international participationKyustendil ReadingsonTheFatalinHistory, KyustendilBulgaria,organized by the Regional Historical MuseumKyustendil  and the Faculty of History of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”

23/05/2013 – 25/05/2013       3rd International Congresson  Bulgarian Studies, Sofia, Bulgaria                        organized by the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and the  Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

22/02/2013 – 23/02/2013       PhD Conference, Sofia, Bulgariaorganized by the “Integrated program for training and support of the PhD students in Social Sciences and Humanities at the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski””

21/12/2012                             Annual University Conference “DoctoralReadings”, Sofia,  Bulgaria,organized by the Faculty of History of the University of  Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”

25/10/2012 – 26/10/2012       International Conference  “Communications and   Commerce in                         the Balkans between Alexander the Great and Alexander  Battenberg, Sofia, Bulgaria, organized by the American Research  Center in Sofia

01/06/2012 – 03/06/2012       19th Annual Conference with international participation Kyustendil Readingsonthe Traditions and transition in the  Bulgarian Historical Science, Kyustendil, Bulgaria, organized by                  the Regional Historical MuseumKyustendil     and the Faculty of History of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”

04/07/2011 – 10/07/2011       International Seminar “Myths, Heroesand Identities”,Bucurest, Rumania, organized by the local section of the International  StudentsofHistoryAssociation

01/06/2011 – 03/06/2011       Student Interuniversity Roundtable “Standards of Everyday   Life during the Middle Ages and the Modern Times”,   Gyoletchitsa, Bulgaria, Organized by the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and the University of Veliko Tarnovo “St. Cyril and  St. Metodius”

25/04/2011 – 01/05/2011       International Conference “EastandWest:   Bridgingthe  Differences,Pula, Croatia,organizedby the local section of the  International Students of History Association

23/02/2011 – 27/02/2011       International Seminar “History UsedasPropaganda,Leuven,   Belgium, organized by the local section of the International Students of History Association

23/09/2010 – 29/09/2010       International Seminar “UnionsintheHistory”,Sofia, Bulgaria,  organized by the local section of the InternationalStudentsof    HistoryAssociation

04/06/2010 – 06/06/2010       17thAnnual Conference with international participation  “Kyustendil Readingson Failures in History”, Kyustendil,  Bulgaria, organized by the Regional Historical Museum Kyustendil and the Faculty of History of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”

19/12/2009                             WorkshopThe Micro history as research, civil and ethical  paradigm, Sofia, organized by the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski, The South-West University of Blagoevgrad “Neofit Rilski” and Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski”

11/05/2009 – 14/05/2009       Student Interuniversity Roundtable “Standards of Everyday Life during the Middle Ages and the Modern Times”,  Zheravna, Bulgaria, Organized by the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” and the University of Veliko Tarnovo “St. Cyril and  St. Metodius”

21/05/2009                             Seminar“The Second World War through the personal memory prism”, Sofia, Bulgaria, Club of the Veterans – Sofia

20/10/2008 – 24/10/2008       International Seminar  “Historiography and Methodology”, Belgrade, Serbia,organizedby the local section of the International StudentsofHistoryAssociation

27/08/2008                             Roundtable“Bulgaria and the Second World War”, Sofia, Bulgaria, The Military Club



Proceedings of the Centre for Economic and History Research. Vol. 2 The Diversity of Bulgarian Economic Development through the Ages. Eds. Ivan Rusev and others, Varna, 2017. (in Bulgarian)

Proceedings of the Centre for Economic and History Research. Vol. 1 The Urban Economy in the Bulgarian Lands through the Ages. Eds. Ivan Rusev and others, Varna, 2016. (in Bulgarian)


Antonova, B.‘Foreign Enterpreneurs, Social Networks, and the Modernization of the Ottoman Empire in the Second Half of the 19th Century’ in D. Stamatopoulos (ed.), Power Networks in the Ottoman and Post Ottoman Balkans (18th – 20th c.) (52 p.), Forthcoming

Antonova, B. ‘Organisation of the Ottoman Railways in the Balkans (1856 – 1878): from theory into practice’. – In: Processes of Modernization in the Balkans under Ottoman rule during the 19th and the beginning of the 20th centuries, Sofia – Skopije, 2017,pp. 12-32. (in Bulgarian)

Antonova, B. ‘Ottoman Railways on the Balkans – Chronology and Periodisation’. – In: Varna, TheBulgarians, andtheBulgarianTowns. SettlementStudiesabouttheNationalRevivalPeriod. StudiainmemoriamVelkoTonev. Acta Musei Varnaensis ΧΙΙ, 2016,pp. 199-220. (in Bulgarian)

Antonova, B. SvetoslavMilarovandtheMemoryforhim. Anamneza, IX, 2014 (2), р. 31-112. (in Bulgarian)

Antonova, B. The appearance of railways in Rumelia and the changes in the standards of traveling. In:“Standards of the Everyday Life during the Middle Ages and Modern Times”. A Collection of Papers from Erasmus IP (Veliko Tarnovo 13-24 May 2012). Vol. 2, Eds. K. Mutafovaand others, Veliko Tarnovo, 2013, pp. 293-315.

Antonova, B. The secret mission of the spy-patriot Svetoslav Sapunov in December 1869 – January 1870.In: XVIII Kyustendil readings 2011: “Debates and Propblems in the Modern Bulgarian Historiography”, Kyustendil – Sofia, 2013, pp. 84-117.(in Bulgarian)

Antonova, B. The Emigrant years of Svetoslav Milarov in Austro-Hungary. History, Vol. 20,No. 3 (2012), pp. 217-237. (in Bulgarian)

Antonova, B. How the Balkapan petty merchant Advanced. In: “Standards of the Everyday Life during the Middle Ages and Modern Times”. A Collection of Papers from the First and the Second Round Tables (Zheravna 12th – 13th of May 2009; Veliko Tarnovo 15th -16th of October 2010). Vol. 1, Eds. K. Mutafovaand others, Veliko Tarnovo, 2012, pp. 55-63. (in Bulgarian)

Antonova, B. ‘And otherwise if one person has money than here is not so bad’. South Slavicpensionof TodorMinkovthrough the eyesof IliaMylarov – In: “Standards of the Everyday Life during the Middle Ages and Modern Times”. A Collection of Papers from the Third Round Table (Gyolechitsa 1st – 3rd of June 2011), (in Bulgarian; forthcoming).