Ivaylo Naydenov
Member of CEHR
History teacher (9-12 Grade)
at 32 Secondary Language School “St. Kliment Ohridski”,
Assistant Professor
at the Institute for Historical Studies ,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Section “Bulgarians, the Ottoman empire and Europe”
Phone: 0888398636
E-mail: ivo_ngdek@abv.bg
History teacher (9-12 Grade) at 32 Secondary Language School “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia
April 2018 – Assistant Professor at the Institute for Historical Studies , Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Section “Bulgarians, the Ottoman empire and Europe”
A PhD fellowship at the University of Sofia, Department of Bulgarian history (February 2013 – February 2017). Thesis defense – June 2017
Thesis title: ” Pulievi’s entrepreneurial activity between tradition and modernity ( Commercial practices and strategies during the Bulgarian National Revival Period)”
Supervisor: Prof. Plamen Mitev
An MA at the University of Sofia (Department of Bulgarian history (2010 – 2012) thesis title: “Trade and socio-political activity of Krustich brothers from Svishtov as an example of the modernization in the Balkans during the “long” 19th Century “
Supervisor: Associate professor Plamen Mitev
A BA in History at Sofia University, Faculty of History (2006-2010)
Specialization: The Bulgarian people under ottoman rule (15th – 19th Century)
Secondary education: National High School for Ancient Languages and Cultures “St. Constantine Cyril Philosopher” (September 2001 – May 2006)
Work experience: history teacher (9-12 Grade) (September 2011 – till now) at 32 Secondary Language School “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Sofia
April 2018 – Assistant Professor at the Institute for Historical Studies , Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Section “Bulgarians, the Ottoman empire and Europe”
Languages: English, German, Modern and Ancient Greek, Old Church Slavonic
Research interests:
Bulgarian National Revival Period (18th -19th Century) – economic and social history (trade, merchants, commercial houses, social/mercantile networks; crafts, artisanal production; socio-cultural aspects of the Bulgarian entrepreneurship – merchants as subscribers of books and their role as local distributors of newspapers and periodicals )
Conferences, seminars and public lectures:
Participation in 12 scientific events (conferences, seminars and public lectures at Sofia University, South-West University Neofit Rilski – Blagoevgrad, Institute of Balkan Studies and Centre of Thracology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, the University of Economics in Varna). An author of 9 articles (published or under press) related to the PhD thesis.
List of publications:
Pulievi’ Subscription activity during the Revival period. – History , 2014, 6, 626-647.
Pulievi’s entrepreneurial activity between tradition and modernity (1839-1853). – In: Conference Proceedings from seminar on “INITIAL STUDIES ON ECONOMIC HISTORY AND THE HISTORY OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC IN SOUTHWEST BULGARIA”, Blagoevgrad, 2014, 228-249.
The Puliev Family during the Bulgarian Revival period: its genealogy and economic activity. – Genealogia, 2015, 1-2, 182-204.
Mercantile Networks and Contacts: Pulievi’s Example (1830s-1860s). – Conference Proceedings from seminar on “STUDIES ON ECONOMIC HISTORY AND THE HISTORY OF SOCIO-ECONOMIC IN SOUTHWEST BULGARIA”, Blagoevgrad, 2015, 230-253.
The scope of the Pulievi’s activity in the Stara Planina region (30s – 60s. of the XIX century.). – Proceedings of the Regional Historical Museum in Gabrovo, Gabrovo, Volume 3, 2015, 130-146.
Ivan Todorov Puliev (Goran) between historiographical insufficiency, underestimation, and stigma.- History , 2016, 3, 231-252.
The Merchant Network of the Puliev Family in the First Half of the 19th Century)”. – Etudes balkaniques, 2016, 2, 265-281. Abstract
In the world of the Revival merchants Pulievi: entrepreneurial practices, mercantile ethics and mentality. (Under press in a conference proceedings from a doctoral conference )
Artisanal production in the Bulgarian lands through the eyes of the brothers Pulievi (30s – 60s of the 19 c.). – In: Proceedings of Centre for Economic History Research, Volume 1. The Urban Economy in the Bulgarian Lands through the Ages. Varna, 2016, 2016, 235-253. See online
Commercial Entrepreneurship during the Bulgarian National Revival Period: the Case of Pulievi Brothers (1839-1868). See
The Puliev family from Karlovo in Bulgarian historiography: between the syndrome of historiographical scarcity and underestimation.
The role of institutions in the entrepreneurial activity of Pulievi brothers (1839-1868). In: Proceedings of CEHR, Vol.3, 2018, 258-269
Commercial entrepreneurship during the Bulgarian Rational Revival period: the case of Pulievi brothers (1839- 1868). – AU NORD ET AU SUD DU DANUBE/NORTH AND SOUTH OF THE DANUBE: Dynamiques politiques, sociales et religieuses dans le passe/ political, social and religious aspects of the past. Sous la direction de/ edited by Snezhana Rakova et Gheorghe Lazar. Muzeul Brailei “Carol I”/ Editura istros. Braila, 2018, 133-150 (UNDER PRESS)
The economic life of the Bulgarians in the 19th century, reflected in the documentary heritage of the Pulievi brothers and their relatives Georgievi. – Historical Review, 2018, 2, 35-65
Prerequisites for the emergence and factors of the entrepreneurial elite’s activity during the Bulgarian National Revival period (introductory remarks). – History, 2019, 2, 134-150
Aspects of the Economic Crisis in the Bulgarian Lands during the 1850s and 1860s according to the Data from the Archive of the Krastich Brothers, Merchants from the Town of Svishtov. Proceedings of CEHR ( ISSN 2534-9244 (print) ; ISSN 2603-3526 (online) ), Vol. IV, 201 9, 334-344. https://csii.bg/wpcontent/uploads/2019/11/27_IZV_CEHR_tom4_2019.pdf
In the world of the merchants from the town of Svishtov: entrepreneurial culture, business practices, ethics and mentality of the brothers Krastich, Historical Review , 2019, 1, 56-83.