Assoc. Prof. Dr.
Svetla Atanasova
Member of CEHR
Associate Professor, Main curator
at the Bulgarian history from XV – XIX centuries department of Regional Museum of History
Veliko Tarnovo
Associate Professor, Main curator at the Bulgarian history from XV – XIX centuries department of Regional Museum of History – Veliko Tarnovo
PhD in History after a successfully defended dissertation on the 8th of May, 2012 on the topic: „Productive and trade structures in the Revival time period in Tarnovo”. Scientific consultatnt Doctor of History, prof. Ivan Stoyanov
Reviewers: doctor of history, prof. Milko Palangurski, prof . Plamen Mitev, PhD
Main research fields:
Economical history of Bulgaria
Heraldy and Sphragystics
National Liberation Movements
Bulgarian Cultural heritage
Economical and social history of Tranovo and the region (XV-XIX centuries)
Scientific publications:
An author of two monographies and of over 60 scientific articles in Bulgarian language in different compile editions and periodicals, in four guide books and two albums; as well as being an editor and compilator in different editions.
Main publications:
The trade companies during the Revival-time period of Veliko Tarnovo. Models for an economical development, V Tranovo Фабер, 2014. 502 с.
Arbansy. Trade and trade relations in the period between the XVII – XIX centuries. V. Tarnovo, Фабер, 2016. 245 с.
A contribution to the history of the first coat of arms of Veliko Tarnovo – In Proceedings of Regional museum of History – Veliko Tarnovo 14, 1999, с. 188-193.
Archeological reserves of Veliko Tarnovo and the region – aspects of their preservation and possibilities for their touristic presentation – In: Science, environment and substantial development, V. Tarnovo, 2002, с. 63-68 ( co-authorship with Hr. Haritonov).
Company stamps of trading house Nicola Minchooglu and Evstati Selveli and co., from the second half of the XIX century. – In: Fairs, markets and trading centers on the Bulgarian Lands. Reprts, announcements from the National scientific conference, which took part on the 17th of November, 2003, Targovishte , V Tarnovo, 2004, с.186-192.
Company stamps of the trading house Todor Vasilev and Co from the second half of the XIX century – In: Proceedings of the Regional Museums of History – Veliko Tarnovo 19, 2004, с. 206-214.
The activity of the money exchangers in the 60-s of the XIX century. Legal base In: Coins and bills – possible interpretations. An anniversary edition of associate professor Hristo Haritonov PhD. Veliko Tarnovo, 2005, с. 263-267.
Characteristics of the decoration of the personal and company stamps of traders from Tarnovo from the second half of the XIX century – In: Proceedings of the Regional Museum of History, Ruse, 9, 2005, с. 291-298.
The Mihailovs family in the international trade in the XIX century – In Archaive for a settlement researches, год. XII, 1-2, 2007, University of Veliko Tarnovo publishing house, 2008, с. 128-137.
The activity of of the trading house Hadji Kiril Dimitrov Rusovich and co in Arbanasy, Tarnovo region from the second half of the XIX century. In Archaive for a settlement researches,. XIII, 1-2, 2009, University publishing house Sts Cyril and Methodious 2009, с. 82-88.
Revival-time stamps from the depots of the Regional Museum of History, Veliko Tarnovo – in: Proceedings of the Regional Museum of History – Veliko Tarnovo 23, 2008, с. 247-258.
Economical and public activities of the traders from Tarnovo, published in the newspapers and media – In: The Bulgarian mass-media from the Revival period of Bulgaria, An annual edition of the Regional Museum of History – Sliven, 2, 2011, с. 475-489.
The role which the Ottoman laws from the middle of the XIX century played for the development of the trade-manufacturing structures on the Bulgarian Lands from the middle of the XIX century – In: Archaive for a settlement researches, XIV, 1-2, 2010, University publishing house 2011, с. 37-62.
Trading house „Brothers G. Avramovi” from the second half of the XIX c. –
In: Proceedings of the Regional Museum of History – Veliko Tarnovo ,26, 2012, с. 289-304.
The activity of the trade companies of Hristo (Hristaki) Ganev Vitanov and co in Ruse and Tarnovo, in the second half of the XIX century – In: Proceedings of the Regional Museum of History – Veliko Tarnovo 27, 2013, p. 403-416.
Manufacturing and trade structures in Tarnovo during the Revival-time period– In: Proceedings of the Regional Museum of History – Veliko Tarnovo 27, 2013, p. 443-448.
The manufacturing companies in Bulgaria in the researches of Ivan Evstratiev Geshov. A statesman, public person, scientist and a cultural patron, An annual edition of the Regional Museum of History – Plovdiv 9, 2014, p. 39-46.
Participation of the Tarnovo’s company Hadji Nicoly and Evstati Selveli and co in the trade with silk worms and raw silk in 1859 – 1863– In: Proceedings of the Regional Museum of History, 28–29, 2014, p. 357-370.
Fiscal expenses of the population of the Tarnovo district in 1853–1856. (Archive of George Popsimeonov). – In: The region of the Balkan mountain in the history of Bulgaria and the development of the cultural tourism, Proceedings of the Regional Museum of Gabrovo, 2, 2014, с. 227-238.
The traders of Arbanasy during the Revival of Bulgaria – economical and social practices – in: A compile in memoriam of Tsonya Drajeva, Proceedings of the People’s Museum of Burgas, 5, 2015, с. 311-322.
The traders of Tarnovo in the XIX century – modern practices and European models of the world markets. In: Days of Science 2014, A compile of reports dedicated to the 50th anniversary of establishing of the Union of the Scientists, 2015, с. 222-229.
The economical activity of the Burovs family in the Revival period. – In: Lybraries. Reading. Communication. XIII national conference with international participation. V. Tarnovo 13-14 November 2014 ., V. Tarnovo, 2015, с. 344-352.
A benefit to the history of the church in Tryavna during the Revival period. In: Tryavna, and its population in the national history and culture, Proceedings of the Musum of wood-carving and mural painting art. – Тryavna, 4, Varna, 2015, p. 455-463.
A document testifying the missionary activity of Simeon – a missioner from the Holy Grave to Tarnovo in 1847 – 1849. – In: Proceedings of the Regional Museum of History – V. Tarnovo, 30, 2015, p. 121-129.
The revival-period traders from Tarnovo between the local patriotism and the public charity In: Varna, the Bulgarians and the Bulgarian cities. Researches on the settlements from the Revival period. A compile in memory of prof. Velko Tonev, Doctor of History Acta musei Varnaensis, 12, Varna, 2016, с. 261-270.
Two letters from prince Stephan Bogoridi to the Tarnovo notable George pop Simeonov on some church and administrative issues – In: Days of science 2015, USB – Veliko Tarnovo, V. Tarnovo, 2016, с. 88-97 .