Les manuels de commerce à l’époque du Réveil National Bulgare (les années 1830-1870).

Etudes balkaniques, 2003, № 4, p. 18-63.


Summary: This article examines the first Bulgarian business textbooks, which appeared in the final decades of the National Revival Period from 1830–1870. The more than 200 books printed in this era provided Bulgarians with important knowledge for succeeding in business in such areas as accounting, geography, arithmetic, and world history as well as foreign language dictionaries and conversation guides either directly or indirectly related to business or its practical applications. It is possible to trace this European (and especially French towards the middle of the century) influence of which these manuals are the result. The theme of business manuals is only an introduction to a much more widespread issue: the role of business modernization and Europeanization on 19th century Bulgarian society.

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