by csiibg | Jan 27, 2020 | Authors, Pencho Penchev
Reflections from Bulgaria –> Pencho D. Penchev <– Summary: Carl Menger founded the Austrian School of economics at the end of the 19 century. He rejected some of the main ideas of the German Historical School in his work Investigations into the Method of the...
by csiibg | Jan 27, 2020 | Authors, Pencho Penchev
Currencies of the Orthodox Christians in the Balkan Provinces of the Ottoman Empire (17th –19th centuries) –> Nikolay Nenovsky & Pencho Penchev <– Abstract The paper presents a historical and theoretical analysis of the issue of local currency (coins and...
by csiibg | Jan 27, 2020 | Authors, Ivan Roussev
The Black Sea Port-city in the Road of Modernization. The First Modern Attempts in Varna during the 1840s – 1870s. – in: Port cities of the Western Black sea coast and the Danube. Economic and social development in the long nineteenth century. Edited by Constantin...
by csiibg | Jan 27, 2020 | Authors, Ivan Roussev
Un épisode de la modernisation des Balkans à l’époque de la Guerre de Crimée (1853–1856) : la France, l’Angleterre et la construction des premières lignes télégraphiques dans l’Empire ottoman. – The Crimean War 1853–1856. Colonial Skirmish or Rehearsal for World War?...
by csiibg | Jan 27, 2020 | Authors, Ivan Roussev
Les premiers pas de la pénétration consulaire française en Bulgarie : le consulat de Varna. – in : Enjeux politiques, économiques et militaires en mer Noire (XIVe – XXIe siècles). Edudes à la mémoire de Mihail Guboglu. Sous la direction de Faruk Bilici, Ionel Cândea,...
by csiibg | Jan 27, 2020 | Authors, Ivan Roussev
Les manuels bulgares de pratique commerciale à l’époque du Réveil national et les influences grecques Etudes balkaniques, 2005, № 4, p. 77-81 Ivan Roussev Résumé: Durant le deuxième quart du XIXe siècle, les Bulgares réalisent leurs premiers contacts avec la...
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