27-28 September 2024, Sofia


Dear Colleagues,

The Centre for Economic History Research (CEHR) and the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” invite you to take part in the scientific conference “Barriers to Economic Development in Historical Perspective”, which will be held on 27 and 28 September 2024 in Sofia.

Economic growth is still relevant idea in economic theories, which specifies pace/speed of economic development. This topic was already discussed during the 2023 CSII Annual Scientific Conference, and now the organizers of the forum face the challenge of examining the barriers/obstacles to economic development from a historical perspective.

Barriers to economic development can be many and varied. The main ones among them could be systematized as follows:

  • Institutional obstacles: legal disorder, corruption, lack of regulations, restrictions, and standards;
  • Crises – local and global;
  • Inflation;
  • Demographic problems;
  • Wars;
  • Cultural-value barriers to economic development;
  • Low level of technology development, etc.

Discussions during the conference will focus on several main areas:

  • Barriers to economic growth in the Balkan/Bulgarian history through the ages;
  • Institutional structure and barriers to economic growth;
  • Factors that impede economic growth;
  • The political factor and economic growth in historical perspective – influences, dependencies, tendencies;
  • The economic actor (trader, entrepreneur, industrialist) and their role in economic growth;
  • The village/region as an environment for economic growth.

The conference is open to historians, economists, sociologists etc. In case your submission is accepted you must present your paper during the conference for 15 minutes. The attendance of the conference and the presentation of the report are mandatory due to the procedure of reviewing the subsequent publication.

The working languages of the conference are Bulgarian and English.

The Organizing Committee aims to publish the papers as the ninth volume of the Proceedings of CEHR. Since it will be referenced edition, the participants in the conference must submit their texts in accordance with the following requirements:

  • To include abstract in English after the title of the text (150-300 words);
  • To add key words in English after the abstract;
  • To indicate JEL classification. For details see here;
  • To insert pictures, tables, diagrams, and sketches (if applicable) in the text with numbers and annotations;
  • To cite archival sources in footnotes;
  • To use Harvard short reference system when citing information sources (see here);
  • To use Streamlined System for transliteration when citing in Cyrillic (see here).

The deadline for submissions of proposals is 1 July 2024. The proposals must include a short abstract, which should not exceed 150 words. Applications should be sent to:

All participants in the conference need to cover their own expenses during their stay in Sofia.

Additional information for the conference will be provided on CEHR’s web-site: (

Prof. Ivan Roussev, DSc.

Corresponding Member of

the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Download call for papers